The Power of the Tongue

This is an essay in response to: "The best-loved person in town would perish with anguish could they hear all that their friends say in the course of a day" - John Hay.

Please feel free to critique :D
The Power of the Tongue
- Written by Jessica Chao

The tongue is a very powerful organ, it can strike at a persons’ heart without exerting much effort and it can also mend broken hearts. The most trusted and loved person in town would have bleeding ears if they were to hear everything that their friends have to say within a day. From gossip to news, conversations are constant and words can be twisted to form an even more entertaining version of the news. It is a craft that has been passed down for many generations.

To be in a circle of friends involves trust and an honest relationship. Seeing the effects of my sister and her best friends’ relationship perish as a result of gossiping behind her back shows the power of the tongue. Not only were there gossip, the words told were transformed into lies which served as a source of safety and comfort for her best friends’ insecurity. But where does this insecurity come from? There is absolute trust in the relationship; it was a lack of self-trust that is hard to identify by any persons, especially an outsider.

The insecurities that people have, readily leads them into cursing other people in order to elevate themselves on a mental platform. However, the victim is affected by these direct or indirect words, because ultimately the words spoken are curses which are heard by people, God and all forms of angels. Even if the victim can’t hear the curses, eventually it would reveal itself slowly like capillary action that overspills; such as the spread of Kevin Rudd’s strip club experience across all media, where many people were so eager to judge him.

Once the victim hears of the gossip, even if he or she is the best-loved, well tempered person in town, thoughts about friendship and trust would deteriorate. Turning into anger, defense and possibly isolation of relationships as I have seen with my sisters’ ‘best friend’. This is a lesson that lasts a lifetime, yet many people find it hard to trust again because they felt immense hurt and betrayed.

The tongue is best when it’s controlled with mindful hearts. It is a source of healing the broken and curses that lasts a long time.

1 comment:

  1. I think you wrote a very important lesson for everyone here. Of the many comments I could think of, I think the most important message I would like to share is that Words may destroy reputation, pride, friendship and more but it is also the warm words and actions of friends that should support those who are hurt and are in need of repair. I find your story very sad because one of the reasons why we classify some people as "best friends" is because there is a mutual relationship between these people. Sure, we may still fight with our best friends (as I have done in the past) but true best friends should understand the meaning of forgiveness and support, even if there was major betrayal involved in devastating the link between best friends.

    I hope your sister regains friendship with her best friend again, and in the worst case where she doesn't, I am sure she will find someone else who she can proudly call her best friend
